Friday, October 22, 2010

My New Life In University


It's great to be studying in the middle of no where especially in Malaysia, where surrounded by palm oil plantations,lush green of bushes and trees.At first,i felt kind of creepy to see nature around me but now it feels good to be with nature again.It makes me feel like a Tarzan...hahahahaha.

Officially one month,i'm studying in University of Notthingham Malaysia Campus(UNMC)...Yaaaah~~~In the beginning,i felt nervous about the life in university but now i'm used to it.The life here is great,having great lecturers and not to forget,my friendly course mates!

Hmmm~~let's talked about my lecturers and course mates.The first lecturer teach me,Written Communication and Study.He is kind of weird in his very own way.He loves polar bear and orang utan so much until it reminds me that he looks like a caveman sometimes.By the way,don't eat Kit Kats!!!It will kill the ORANG UTANS!!!Please join the campaign of saving polar bear and orang utan by fighting global warming and not eating Kit Kats~ The second lecturer teach me Oral Communication Studies.Now i know he is a type of lecturer which particular about pronunciation in spelling.Recently i was teased by him in a way that when i read some of the words which i can't pronounce exactly,he keep asking me to repeat it.I feel irritated...Gaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!Oh yeah,first time when i met him,he reminds me of the slamdunk character:Captain Akagi a.k.a Gorrilla...LOL~~~Besides that,he cycle to the campus sometimes and he is an environmental friendly too...

The third lecturer teach me, Media and Texts:Society.Apparently,i don't know much about her yet but the subject which she teach,i'm interested as it have connection about the society which we live in today.I remembered a part where she showed our class an advertisement about Firefly.It's so pathetic now a days to see how the company attract customers.The last lecturer teach me Applied IT for the Arts.She is quite expert in IT.Furthermore,last week i just discovered that she is from the same hometown.What a small world...

About my course mates they are all interesting in their very own ways.Partially are locals and international such as China,Bangladesh,Iran,Pakistan and Indonesia.Overall there are 19 of us in the class now.Firstly,this China guy.He is good in his cooking and speak lots of mandarin.Even now,my mandarin is improving.Since both of us share some similarity we are like my twin brothers.Hahaha~~There is few more person i would like to mention but i categorize this 3 young lady as a big fan of anime.Each time when i hang out with 2 or 3 of them,i will always drown in their conversation especially when they started to talk about anime @.@ although i'm drown but i of enjoy it.There is another interesting course mate of mine and his name is Josephina~Recently i called him Casanova due to unexpected situation which he did.Can't mention it thought...The other course mate of mine,name Yeggi.First time,when i attended the class and i introduce my name as Dexter.She keep calling me Dexter like few minutes once.It's very funny and actually it lighten up day day since no one did that funny scene in ages.Hahaha~Jeng jeng jeng,her twin sister Shaggi...biologically not her real sister though.Only thing i know about her is she is good in hip hop dancing.

Overall my life here was good with great lecturers and friendly course mates!!!

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