Sunday, December 5, 2010

Happy Volunteer Day!‏

Inspiring, Supportive, Trustworthy, Connecting, these words describe AFS, because of the work that you—and more than 42,000 AFS Volunteers—do all around the world.

Today, December 5th, AFS celebrates the annual International Volunteer Day, joining thousands of other organizations around the world by thanking our volunteers.

Everything you do as a volunteer shows how much you believe in connecting people’s lives through AFS programs, creating bonds that often last for a lifetime. The work that you do changes people’s lives.

We have an opportunity, one day a year, to recognize your work and to celebrate your achievements. But in truth, our thanks go to you 365 days a year.

On behalf of the 12,500 participants on AFS exchanges and all of us at AFS, thank you for everything that you do for AFS, every day of the year. Our AFS experiences would not be possible without your support.

Francisco "Tachi" Cazal
President and CEO, AFS Intercultural Programs

Dear AFSer!!!

I would like to wish all of the AFSer in the world "Happy Volunteer Day". Your services towards the organization and societies are greatly appreciated! It's been a pleasure to meet all of you.

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